

1 Teeth color as a cultural form
Masahiko Fukagawa
2 Medicine and Dentistry in Postmodernity: In the Socio-cultural Perspective

Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2003.

3 Film As a Looking Glass:Reading Postmodern Society Represented in the Media
Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2003.
4 Teeth Color in Japan: A Cultural Study
Masahiko Fukagawa
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry
Volume 18: 97-102,USA ,2002.
5 Erosion of the Nation-State?: Emergence of the European Union and New Citizenship
Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2002.
6 The Ideal of Federalist Europe: A Historical Survey
Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2002.
7 Socio-economic Inequality in the ‘Postmodern’ Perspective
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2002.
8 The Third Way and its Remedies for Inequalities
Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2002.
9 What’s Next?: On the End of Modernity
Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2001.
10 Four Main Concepts of Cultural Studies and Their Application to Sony Walkman
Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2001.
11 The patient / doctor relationship in consumer society
Masahiko Fukagawa
York St. John, College of the University of Leeds, UK, 2001.